I have come to appreciate anything that Jason Pierce, aka J. Spaceman has touched. Formerly of Spacemen 3, and now of his solo project, Spiritualized, he does not fail to please. He also worked on the soundtrack for the Harmony Korine film Mister Lonely. Recently he did a collab with Matthew Shipp, an avant garde pianist. The collab perfectly titled Spaceshipp was realeased in late 2oo8 on the Treader label. It is a dense swirling mass of beautifully painted spaced out drone. Here it is:
J Spaceman & Matthew Shipp- Spaceshipp.
Playing With Fire is still in my top ten albums list some twenty odd years after it was released....first time I saw Spaceman 3 was in 86/87 here in the UK in a small wine bar with maybe 50 other people.....it was love at first drone.